Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

Tugas Modal Auxsiliary

Nama               : Miftahul Fauzana
NPM               : 15213476
Kelas               : 4EA18


Modal verbs are difficult to define in any language because of the wide range of pragmatic uses of modal verbs by native speakers. Some of the more common definitions (in no particular order) of the modal verbs in English are:
·         can – ability, permission, possibility, request
·         could – ability, permission, possibility, request, suggestion
·         may – permission, probability, request
·         might – possibility, probability, suggestion
·         must – deduction, necessity, obligation, prohibition
·         shall – decision, future, offer, question, suggestion
·         should – advice, necessity, prediction, recommendation
·         will – decision, future, intention, offer, prediction, promise, suggestion
·         would – conditional, habit, invitation, permission, preference, request, question, suggestion

In English grammar, a modal is a verb that combines with another verb to indicate moodor tense. A modal (also known as a modal auxiliary or modal verb) expresses necessity, uncertainty, ability, or permission.
Most linguists agree that there are 10 core or central modals in English: can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall, should, will, and would. Other verbs—including needhad better and invariant be—may also function as modals (or semi-modals).
Unlike other auxiliaries, modals have no -s-ing-en, or infinitive forms. (Because ought requires a to-infinitive complement, some linguists regard it as a marginal modal.)

Also see:
From the Latin, "measure"
  • "When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not."
    (Mark Twain) 
  • "She thought, I must hurry before the robbers come." (Jean Stafford, "The Interior Castle," 1947) 
  • "[G]overnment of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
    (Abraham Lincoln, 
    The Gettysburg Address, 1863) 
  • "There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up." (Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890) 
  • "Afterward, when the firing ended, they would blink and peek up. They would touch their bodies, feeling shame, then quickly hiding it. They would force themselves to stand. As if in slow motion, frame by frame, the world would take on the old logic--absolute silence, then the wind, then sunlight, then voices. It was the burden of being alive."
    (Tim O'Brien, "The Things They Carried." The Things They Carried. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1990) 
  • Characteristics of Modal Auxiliaries in English "A modal auxiliary has the following characteristics: 
    • Takes negation directly (can't, mustn't).
    • Takes inversion without DO (can I? must I?).
    • 'Code' (John can swim and so can Bill).
    • Emphasis (Ann COULD solve the problem).
    • No -s form for third-person singular (*cans, *musts).
    • No non-finite forms (*to can, *musting)
    • No co-occurrence (*may will)
The first four of these are what Huddleston (1976: 333) calls the NICE properties(Negation, Inversion, Code, Emphasis) and they very clearly draw a dividing line between auxiliaries and main verbs, a line which would be far from clear if we tried to use semantic characteristics. The last three, which are specifically 'modal' criteria (see Palmer 1979: 9), are needed to exclude the auxiliaries BE, HAVE, and DO."
(Jennifer Coates, The Semantics of the Modal Auxiliaries. Routledge, 1983)

- "As early as 
Old English, a group of verbs signaling modal characteristics of action share morphosyntactic and semantic features which later result in the formation of the category of modal auxiliaries. . . .
"The most important syntactic developments which distinguish [modals] from other verbs are the following: (1) they lost their non-finite forms and their ability to take non-verbal objects; (2) the preterite forms came to be used in the present, future or timeless contexts; (3) they did not develop the to- link with an infinitive (in the Southern standard); (4) they became more and more uncommon in contexts where they were not followed by an infinitive."
(Richard M. Hogg, et al., The Cambridge History of the English Language: 1476-1776. Cambridge University Press, 1999) 
·         Modals and the Subjunctive"Modals are also used where some languages would use the subjunctive mood. The Modern English subjunctive is very restricted and examples are given in (11a) and (12a). Alternatives using modals are provided in (11b) and (12b):
(11a) They insisted that he go. (subjunctive mood)
(11b) They insisted that he should go.
(12a) I wish it were Friday. (subjunctive mood)
(12b) I wish it would be Friday.
Since subjunctives are not common in Modern English, I will not go into this more deeply."
(Elly Van Gelderen, An Introduction to the Grammar of English, rev. ed. John Benjamins, 2010) 
·         Double Modals "Speakers of other varieties of English, primarily in the southeastern United States, routinely produce sentences with two modals and find this double modal construction completely natural. Which modals they are varies from person to person and across subregions of the Southeast:
We might could sing at the concert.
I may should apply for a new job.
Two modals verbs is the limit however."
(Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, Linguistics for Everyone. Wadsworth, 2010)

·         Examples of Use

The following sentences are examples of usage of modal verbs in English. For example, the following four sentences all ask for permission but with different degrees and types of modality:
·         Can I go to the bathroom? (asking for permission)
·         May I go to the bathroom? (more politely asking for permission)
·         Could I go to the bathroom? (asking for permission with less certainty)
·         Might I go to the bathroom? (asking for permission with uncertainty)
The following sentences also demonstrate the subtle meanings in regards to modal verbs of suggestion:
·         You could listen to me. (suggestion)
·         You might listen to me. (uncertain suggestion)
·         You should listen to me. (strong suggestion)
·         You must listen to me. (stronger suggestion)
·         You will listen to me. (strongest suggestion)
The meanings of modal verbs are very pragmatic and must be learned through use.

·         Practice Exercise

Identify the modal verb and modality (definition) in the following sentences.
1.      You could ride your bike across the country, but I advise against it.
2.      Since all dogs are mammals, this golden retriever must be a mammal.
3.      You might consider finishing your degree.
4.      I will finish my essay tonight even if I have to forgo sleep.
5.      The puppy can sit on command.
6.      I would eat cereal every day as a child.
7.      You may encounter some difficult patrons on occasion.
8.      The train should arrive in a few minutes.
9.      The situation would not be so bad if we all remained calm.
10.  I will have earned my graduate degree next spring.
Possible Answers
11.  could – possibility
12.  must – deduction
13.  might – suggestion
14.  will – intention
15.  can – ability
16.  would – habit
17.  may – probability
18.  should – prediction
19.  would – conditional
20.  will – future
·         For more information, check out the rest of the series that goes into further detail.


Modal verbs are difficult to define because of the because of the wide range of pragmatic uses of modal auxiliaries. This series provides some of the most frequent meanings of the nine English modals—can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would—through definitions and examples.


Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb
Can digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan)
You can buy anything with your money but you can not buy love.
(Kamu dapat membeli apapun dengan uangmu tapi kamu tidak dapat membeli cinta)
Modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission)
Can I borrow your car for one night?
(Bisakah saya meminjam mobilmu selama satu malam?)
Could digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan) dimasa lalu (past).
You could run faster than me two years ago.
(Kamu dapat berlari lebih cepat dari saya dua tahun lalu.)
Modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) untuk melakukan sesuatu dimasa lalu (past) atau masa depan (future).
Could I use your computer to print and scan?
(Bolehkah saya memakai komputermu untuk print dan scan?)
May untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future).
He may work out and consume healthy food every day.
(Dia mungkin berlatih dan mengonsumsi makanan sehat setiap hari.)
You may forget the embarassing incident tomorrow.
(Kamu mungkin melupakan insiden memalukan itu besok.)
Modal verb ini untuk meminta izin (permission) yang lebih formal daripada modal verb can.
May I go home now?
(Bolehkah saya pulang sekarang?)

Sama seperti may, modal verb ini digunakan untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future)[1].
Might dapat ditambahkan 
primary auxiliary verb have untuk menyatakan probability dimasa lalu (past). Modal verb ini digunakan untuk menyatakan hypothetical situation yang terbukti tidak terjadi[2], lain halnya dengan may yang belum terbukti[3].
You might forget the embarassing accident tomorrow.[1]
The doctor might have warned you not to eat red meat.[2]
(Dikatakan setelah diketahui fakta: The doctor has not warned–Dokter belum melarang.)
The doctor may have warned you not to eat red meat.[3]
(Faktanya: belum diketahui)
Might merupakan bentuk past dari may dimana digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) yang lebih formal daripada modal verb could. Dibanding may, Might lebih tentatif (tidak pasti) kejadiannya.
If I have cleaned the room, might I play with my friend?
(Jika saya sudah membersihkan ruangan, bolehkah saya main dengan teman?)
Will untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan). Willingness dapat diungkapkan dalam conditional sentence type 1 maupun invitation (undangan/ajakan).
I will help you if you help yourself first.
(Saya akan membantumu jika kamu membantu dirimu sendiri dulu.)
Will you marry me?
(Maukah kamu menikah dengan saya?)
Modal verb ini untuk membuat keputusan secara spontan/tanpa rencana (simple future tense).
I’ll give you a glass of water.
(Saya akan memberimu segelas air.)
I think I’ll change my appearance.
(Saya pikir saya akan merubah penampilan.)
Will untuk membuat prediksi.
The sandstorm will come tonight.
(Badai pasir akan datang nanti malam.)
Sama seperti will, modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan), namun lebih polite (sopan).
Would you like to see my craft?
(Maukah kamu melihat kerajinan tanganku?)
Modal verb ini menyatakan sense of probability (kemungkinan).
He would be free tonight.
(Dia akan kosong nanti malam.)
Would dipadukan dengan auxiliary have untuk membentuk conditional sentence type 3. Would disini untuk menyatakan tindakan yang ingin dilakukan dimasa lalu.
If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya menghadiri pestamu.)
Shall [British English][1] digunakan untuk menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will namun hanya digunakan pada first person (orang pertama) I dan we. Shall [US English][2] jarang digunakan selain untuk polite question untuk first person.
We shall overcome it someday.[1]
(Kita akan mengatasinya suatu hari nanti.)
Shall we pay a call him?[2]
(Haruskah kita menjenguknya?)
Shall I give you some advice?[2]
(Haruskah saya memberimu beberapa nasehat?)
Modal verb ini untuk menyatakan obligation (kewajiban) pada formal situation (yang dapat berupa legal document maupun pada saat meeting. Pada situasi ini, baik second maupun third person dapat digunakan dengan modal verb ini.
The Human Resource manager shall report the employee performance.
(HR manager harus melaporkan performansi karyawan.)
Should untuk memberi suggestion (saran) atau advice (nasehat).
You should see the doctor.
(Kamu harus ke dokter.)
We should meet more often.
(Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)
Must dipadukan dengan not untuk menyatakan prohibition (larangan)
You mustn’t give up.
(Kamu tidak boleh menyerah.)
Modal verb ini mengekspresikan obligation (kewajiban) atau necessity (kebutuhan).
We must go to bed now.
(Kita harus tidur sekarang.)
Ought to
Ought to digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang benar atau tepat
I ought to wear high quality running shoes.
(Saya harus menggunakan sepatu lari berkualitas tinggi.)
We ought to select the best candidate for the job.
(Kita harus memilih kandidat terbaik untuk pekerjaan tsb.)

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